A day of the life of a CTO – “what do you do, day to day?”
My brother asked me the other day:
He: – So what do you do, day to day?
Me: – I work in engineering (software, data and AI).
It’s a little bit more than that. Not all the days are the same. There are a lot of decisions to be made, and generally with a little luck those decisions will keep the ship at least in the right direction.
I decided to look deeper and to record. There is a difference between what we think we are doing and what we are actually doing. I tried to summarize just one of my recent days that I spent in engineering. This was a day without any software development for me.
My hope with this article is to be able to answer my brother – “What do you do, day to day?” and I hope this answer and examples could be interesting to people entering the world of Software engineering and to business and product people trying to learn more about how their engineers spend their day.

Adding a JSONB column to a scheme
A colleague was facing the issue of storing an array of values in a DB. The values were the result of calling the API of an external service for our business.
How do you store these values? There are many different ways. I supported his recommendation to store the data as JSON format. I only suggested changing the type of the column to JSONB as this will later allow us to query the table in an easier way. At the same time I had to re-think part of the stack to see if there would be any implications on the whole platform when this new column JSONB is introduced. Luckily there were no implications.
Automated test that we create a table
A colleague was working on a pipeline and the specs for this pipeline. The question was how do we build a spec for part of the logic. The logic creates a new table. How do we test this in an automated way? How do we test that this logic creates a db? We considered two different approaches and together we looked for a good API call to test this.
We decided on how to spec this behavior.
DateTime field
A colleague was facing the issue with date in the data platform that had invalid values. The issue was that we were storing both the date and the time for an event where we should have been storing only the time. The implications were huge. We now had to migrate all the values in all the records.
In this case we looked at the product requirements on what should be included in the data platform in the near future. Turns out that there is a requirement for engineering to store not only the time, but also the date of the event. This means there was nothing to fix as we were ahead of time in engineering. We only have to migrate a couple of records.
The decision here was whether we should spend a day migrating this data and what would be the issue if the data was not migrated.
Choose a service $50/80GB
A colleague had the task to look at different services that we could use. We had to make a decision should we use this $50 service or that $50 service. The decision is important because once you decide on a service to add in your stack it is difficult to move out of this service. You kind of stay with them at least for the near future.
Sometimes when you look at two services on your own you can overlook a few of the aspects so it is a good practice to have a second look from someone else. Also at the end it is a team decision of what to include in the stack.
Integration with an external API
A colleague was working on integrating with an external API. The issue was the this API is returning different formats for different calls. The question was how do we handle this. Should we hard code the scheme for this API, should we infer it, should we do something smarter? How does this impact the abstraction for the other Data Sources. We had to get on a call with the external API representatives to discuss if they could help us.
Creating new repos
A colleague was working on new features in the platform. These new feature should be extracted into new repositories. We had to decide on the name of the repositories. In the world of software development there are two hard things – invalidating cache and naming. Naming is important because it gives you power over things. Once you name them you have power over them. If you name them bad, then they have power over you. Nevertheless, we had to make a decision on how we name two new code repositories.
A colleague was working on the authorization part of the platform. We are adding new authorizations based on roles. He developed the code and was ready for a Code review. I was there and decided to jump on the Code Review. The issue with the implementation was that it was coupling the authorization with all the modules in a single class. Coupling is bad in the long run as it is not very agile and difficult to maintain. We spent time decoupling the implementation.
System vs model specs
A colleague was in the middle of developing an automated spec. There are generally two types of specs – integration and unit. In our case we use “system” and “model” specs. System specs test the behavior of the whole feature. Unit specs test the behavior of a specific unit (class, function). My general rule of thumb is – 10% system specs, 90% model specs, but start with the system spec. I’ve been in situations with too many system specs which make the system unmaintainable and require us to invest a lot of time in refactoring. Since then I am cautious about what kind of spec are developed, when and why. We revised current assumptions and decided if current specs should be developed as a system or unit.
Flash messages
A colleague was working on some flash messages on the platform that are appearing at a specific moment. I took a look and confirmed the implementation and the behavior.
Constructing new objects
A colleague was working on refactoring part of the code. A general rule of thumb I try to follow is “always construct instances of a given type” only at one specific place in the code. We revised the implementation and saw that there are a few places where instances of a given type were constructed. There is an easy solution for this. We schedule it for the following week to be implemented.
Submit button change type to input
A colleague was working on a feature on the web platform and noticed that a few of the forms had the wrong type of button. I was around and I was the one to previously commit this form so he notified me about the change and we discussed the implications.
Structure of blob storage
A colleague was working on an integration with an API that will store information in our BigData Lake. We had to sync the structure of the lake and how it will accommodate the new API.
Infrastructure from code
A colleague was working on deploying on a cloud provider. We try to create our infrastructure from code. It is way too easy to set up an infrastructure, spend a week deploying it, and then be unable to reproduce it later on because of the gazillion different options and little configurations you have to do on the cloud providers. Just ask anyone who has configured AWS IAM permissions and resources.
It is important to have a script that would create your infrastructure from code. We had to revise, review and think about the implications of the resources that the code creates.
No actual conclusion. This is just a diary of the day. I hope that my brother along with many others now understand more about our work.
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