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  • kmitov 7:06 am on February 3, 2021 Permalink |
    Tags: bash, ,   

    $ heroku whoami? 

    (Everyday Code – instead of keeping our knowledge in a README.md let’s share it with the internet)

    Today many things stopped in our dev procedures and I had to learn about heroku auth:whoami and to use it. Luckily, nothing about production, but a few engineers were puzzled as to why certain dev services are not working.

    Heroku CLI logged itself out

    We are using Heroku CLI a lot for a lot of different things. One example is backups. We backup the Heroku DBs regularly – like Daily, Weekly, Monthly and some of the backups stopped working. A few other services also stopped working. The problem was with Heroku CLI. The direct log from our Jenkins was:

    heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:  ▸    Invalid credentials provided.
    Enter your Heroku credentials:

    Strange. It was working for years and now suddenly heroku cli decides to log itself out and it then requires us to log in. How come, we don’t know. I’ve created a Ticket with Heroku. My greatest concern is that it could be a security issue with someone gaining access to a dev machine and logging out, but I have no evidence of this.

    $ heroku auth:whoami

    I had to log in again with heroku. But I also wanted the builds that were ran with Jenkins to fail if heroku cli is not logged in. I found the command:

    $ heroku auth:whoami

    Which does the job. If we are not logged in the command will return and the bash script will fail.

    We are happy again

    This instruction is delivered with heroku 🙂

    FabBRIX Pets, Hamster in 3D building instructions
  • kmitov 10:45 am on April 3, 2020 Permalink |
    Tags: bash, ,   

    99 versions are not good enough – [Everyday Code] 

    This article is part of the series [Everyday Code]

    You’ve done nothing until you release more than 99 versions of your product. 99 versions are just not good enough.


    Today we released version 103 of is-core – the core of the Instruction Steps Framework. We noticed a bug. Generally the build would produce two files:

    is-core-sdk-6.0.0.pre.103.js - that is the current version 
    is-core-sdk-latest.js  - this is pointing to the content of the latest version. 

    Problem was that while the current version was 103, the latest version in is-core-sdk-latest.js was pointing to version is-core-sdk-6.0.0.pre.99.js.

    As a conclusion – You have done nothing until you’ve released at least 100 versions of your software (and probably at least it works through a millennium shift with a leap year, but that’s another story)


    It’s pretty simple actually. This is what we were doing to get the latest file generated:

    # Creates is-core-sdk-latest.js link to the latest compiled 
     cd ../../release
     rm is-core-sdk-latest.js -f
    -latest=`find is-core-sdk-* -type f | tail -1`
    +latest=`ls -1v is-core-sdk* | tail -1`
     echo "Latest sdk is: $latest"

    Notice the find is-core-sdk-* -type f | tail -1 If the files are like

    # Find all the files but they are listed in non natural order of the integer for the version.
    # This code is: BAD
    $ find is-core-sdk-* -type f 
    # If we get just the tail it will give us version 99 which is clearly not right
    $ find is-core-sdk-* -type f | tail -1

    I have done this mistake at least a few times in my career.

    Solution is an option in ls:

    # This code is GOOD
    # This will list all the files
    $ ls -1v is-core-sdk*
    # This will get just the last
    $ ls -1v is-core-sdk* | tail -1

    Moral of the story

    For months I thougth we have a rock solid infrastructure. There was almost no failed build. Delivery to production is in 2 minutes for a pretty complex framework with a lot of projects and modules. And then it “broke” after months of stable work just as we were to release version 100.

    Show me your 100-th version of your product. Then we can talk.

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