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  • kmitov 6:44 am on March 30, 2021 Permalink |
    Tags: , , jenkins, , , , ,   

    Dead code and one more way it could hit you back – by being loaded! 

    (Everyday Code – instead of keeping our knowledge in a README.md let’s share it with the internet)

    We can all agree that dead code should be removed. What we sometimes fail to see is how much it could cost to leave dead code with our product. Today’s article is about an example of a “dead code” and how it hit us back 1.5 years after we stopped using it. It took us 3 hours to debug and find the root cause. The conclusion is that we should have done ‘git rm’ an year ago. We did not and the cost was 3 hours.

    This is a real life example article from our code base and it is design to share experience with our team, but I hope the whole community could benefit.

    What happened

    1. Jenkins build failed

    First time we saw it we identified that it is not something serious and it kept failing for a few days until we had time to address it in the next Sprint.

    2. Teaspoon, Jasmine, Bundler, Rails Engines

    In the project there was the production code in Rails.root along with a dummy test code for starting JavaScript specs in Rails.root/test/dummy/. We are using Teaspoon with Jasmine in a Rails engines. Rails engines tend to create a test/dummy folder in which you could put the code for a test app in which you want your JavaScript specs to be executed. The product code is loaded in the test app and specs are executed.

    About 1.5 years ago I did some experiments with this test app and made a few configurations. The goal was to have the production code along with some test app code both loaded in the test environment. In this way Teaspoon and Jasmine would see both the production and the test app code as coming from “production”. I literally remembered what my idea was and what I was trying to achieve. At the end I decided not to use the test app code, but to have only the production code located in Rails.root be loaded in the test environment.

    But I forgot to remove the test app code from test/dummy/app/assets/javascripts/

    3. Teaspoon Error

    The following error occurred. Here “IS” is a JavaScript namespace part of the production code.

    jenkins@vpszap6s:~/jobs/is-core Build and Release/workspace/test/dummy$ xvfb-run -a bundle exec rake teaspoon --verbose
    Starting the Teaspoon server...
    Teaspoon running default suite at
    ReferenceError: IS is not defined

    4. The error and debugging process

    Not sure what the error was exactly I tried to identify the difference between my machine and the server machine where the tests was failing. This server machine is called “elvis”.

    1. Bundler version – my version was 2.2.11 and the elvis version was 2.2.14. Tried with upgrade, but it did not resolve the issue.
    2. Chrome driver – since the tests were executed on chrome I saw the chrome driver versions were different. Mine was 86. elvis was with 89. Synced them, the error was still occurring.
    3. Rake version – rake versions were the same
    4. Ruby version – the same
    5. Teaspoon and Jasmine versions – the same
    6. The OS is the same
    7. I could not find any difference between my env and the elvis env.

    Turns out the problem was in the loading order. elvis was loading test app code and then production code. My machine was loading production code and then test app code. I could not figure out why. The whole test app code was:

    // test/dummy/app/assets/javascripts/ext/dummy/dummy.js 
    IS.Dummy = {};

    The error that was occurring was:

    ReferenceError: IS is not defined

    5. Solution

    I was curious to continue debugging to see why the two machines were loading the code in a different order, but at the end decided against it. Just removed the dead code in test/dummy/app/assets/javascripts/ext/dummy/dummy.js which I only thought as dead, but it turned out it was affecting our project.

    6. Builds passing

    Finally the builds were passing.


    Dead code my not be that dead after all. It might be loaded even if not used and loading order could differ. Better be safe and remove dead code at all. If we need it that much, we have it in the GIT repo history.

  • kmitov 5:25 pm on January 18, 2021 Permalink |
    Tags: , , , jenkins, , , ,   

    The benefits of running specs against nightly releases of dependencies. 

    Spend some time and resources to set up your Continuous Integration infrastructure to run your spec suites against nightly releases of your dependencies. The benefits are larger than the costs.


    To further explain the point I will use an example from today.

    We run our specs daily against the latest nightly release of BABYLON.js. On Friday one spec failed. I reported in the forum (not even a github issue). A few hours later there was a fix and PR merged with the main branch of BABYLON.js. We would have the new nightly in a day or two.

    Our specs pass with version 4.2.0 of BABYLON.js, but they fail with BABYLON 5.0.0-alpha.6. A few of the hundred of extensions running in the Instructions Steps (IS) Framework are using BABYLON.js. The IS framework is powering the 3D building instructions at FLLCasts and BuildIn3D.

    BABYLON.js provides two releases of their library.

    1. Stable – available on https://cdn.babylonjs.com/babylon.js
    2. Preview – available on https://preview.babylonjs.com/babylon.js

    How do we run the specs against the preview (nightly) release of BABYLON.js?

    We’ve configured Jenkins to do two builds. One is against the official release of BABYLON.js that we are using on production. The second run is against the preview release.

    When there is a problem in our code both builds will fail. When there is an issue with the new version of BABYLON.js only the second build fails.

    What is the benefit?

    I think of the benefit as “being in the context’. Babylon team is working on a new feature or they are changing something. If we find an issue with this change six months later it would be much more difficult for them to switch context and resolve it. Probably there are already other changes. But when we as developers are in the “context”, when we are working on something and have made a change today and there is an issue with this change it is much easier to see where the problem is. You are in the same context.

    The other large benefit is that when 5.0.0 is released we will know from day one that we support it and we can switch production to the new version. There are exactly 0 days for us to “migrate” to the new version.

    How much does it cost us?

    Basically – zero. The specs are run in under 60 seconds and the build is configured with a param.

    What if there are API changes?

    Yes, we can’t just run the same code if there are API changes in BABYLON.js. That’s why we have the branch. If there are API changes we can change our code in the babylon-5.0 branch and keep it up to date with changes in dev, which is most of the time resolved with a simple merge.

    But BABYLON.js is a stable library. There are not many API changes that are happening. At least not in the API that we are using.

    For fun

    As you are here, here is one instruction

    Large Spaceball from Geosmart Spaceball set in 3D
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